
Ombudsman Program

The Ombudsman Program advocates for quality care and quality of life in nursing homes and rest homes to ensure residents’ rights are protected. Ombudsmen identify, investigate and resolve complaints by or on behalf of facility residents.

The Ombudsman Program for long term care facilities in the HESSCO area is provided by South Shore Elder Services. For more information about this program, click here to visit the South Shore Elder Services website . To reach the South Shore Elder Services Ombudsman Program by phone, please call 781-930-0200.

Cost of service to client

The service of the Ombudsman Program is free of charge to residents and families of residents, their friends, staff at the facilities and anyone else concerned with the quality of care of a resident in a long term care facility.

About the Ombudsman Program

The Ombudsman Program is supported by trained volunteers who receive extensive education in the program by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. The volunteers are managed by the South Shore Ombudsman Program Director and meet regularly to discuss concerns and best practices in advocating for residents.