Man walking woman in weheelchair

Options Counseling

The Options Counseling Program is available as part of HESSCO’s participation in our regional Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC). The ADRC is a partnership between agencies that provide information, support and services to adults with disabilities of all ages.  This partnership results in “no wrong door” for individuals who need access to information about supports.

What can Options Counseling do for you?

For individuals needing long term services and supports, Options Counselors provide information and assistance in connecting with appropriate resources. Options Counseling can provide:

1.) Information on long term services and supports and choices of settings and services

2.) Research and navigation of resources available to help pay for settings and services

3.) Discussions about personal goals, functional capacity, informal and family supports and finances

4.) Development of a plan and assistance as needed connecting to resources

5.) Referrals to organizations, providers and advocacy groups specific to particular disabilities

This comprehensive process allows individuals to make educated decisions about their care.

Cost of Options Counseling

  • There is no charge to meet with an Options Counselor.

Who is eligible to receive Options Counseling?

  • Individuals under age 60 with a disability

  • Any individual age 60 and over

  • Individuals in the hospital who are returning to a facility or their private home

  • Individuals entering or residing in nursing homes who would like to explore options for living in a community setting

  • Individuals at home who are seeking resources to maintain their independence

  • Friends or family who are exploring care options on behalf of another person

Where does Options Counseling occur?

  • Options Counselors meet in the setting of the consumer’s choice or can provide information over the phone or via email.

How often can I meet with an Options Counselor?

  • Options Counseling is a short term service, typically one to two visits; however, options counselors can be called at any time for additional counseling.

What are long term services and supports?

  • Long term services and supports include all types of care and support that assist with activities of daily living, such as, bathing or dressing, or services that help individuals manage chronic illness

How do I pay for the care I need?

  • Options Counselors maintain up to date information about the array of publicly funded and privately paid options available.  The Options Counselors will discuss these options, as well as the associated cost, to allow each individual to make the decisions which are right for their situation.

The MetroWest ADRC partners are HESSCO, BayPath Elder Services and the Metrowest Independent Living Center. For more information about the MetroWest Aging and Disability Resource Center please visit: For a complete list of services and programs throughout the state, please call 1-800-age-info or visit: