Your involvement is essential to our success! Help HESSCO make a difference for consumers in South Norfolk County. We are a vital link for area elders, individuals living  with a disability and their caregivers in support of safe and independent living at home.



HESSCO provides support for elders and those who care for them. Services include but are not limited to: home care services, caregiver support, nutrition and nutrition counseling, information and referral, money management and more.



Sign up for our newsletter to stay abreast of the latest events at HESSCO and in the South Norfolk County region. Visit our blog page where an updated calendar will be posted - offering details of important dates to remember.


October 2024 Newsletter

By |October 28th, 2024|

Click here to view the newsletter.

April 2023 Newsletter

By |June 7th, 2023|

Click here to view the newsletter.

December 2022 Newsletter

By |January 3rd, 2023|

Click here to view newsletter

Email Sign Up Form

By |November 21st, 2022|

To receive HESSCO newsletters, please complete the form below.

50th anniversary of the Senior Nutrition Program

By |February 28th, 2022|

Nutrition is a vital component of our health and well-being, especially as we age. Sometimes older adults lack access to high-quality, nutritious food they need to remain healthy and independent.

Since 1972, the national Senior Nutrition Program has been there to support older adults by providing nutrition services across the country. Funded by the Older Americans Act, the Administration for Community Living (ACL)[1] provides grants to states to support a network of local programs that deliver nutrition services to older adults. These programs promote healthy eating, decrease social isolation, and support better health. This March, HESSCO is proud to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Senior Nutrition Program.


The 2021 Subaru Share the Love Event

By |December 3rd, 2021|

For the 14th year running, the Meals on Wheels network is participating in the 2021 Subaru Share the Love Event. Over the past thirteen years, Subaru and its retailers have helped Meals on Wheels to deliver more than 2.5 million meals nationwide to seniors in need!

Subaru supports Meals on Wheels because one in four seniors lives alone in isolation and one in seven seniors might not know from where their next meal is coming. This is simply unacceptable, which is why HESSCO provides nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks to the seniors in the area. This vital support helps to keep older adults independent in their own homes.

We are grateful to Subaru and its Retailers for supporting our organization and the seniors we serve. With that in mind, we thought you might want to learn a little bit more about the Subaru Share the Love Event.

From November 18, 2021, through January 3, 2022, for every new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased, Subaru will donate $250 to the customer’s choice of participating charities.* Meals on Wheels is one of four national participating charities and has been since the inception of the event. Through this event, as a member of Meals on Wheels America, HESSCO will receive a share of the donation from Subaru vehicles sold at participating Subaru Retailers.

So please remember, when you purchase or lease a new Subaru this holiday season, select Meals on Wheels as your charity of choice. If your not in the market to purchase a new car, please look into the Subaru Share the Love Event to learn more.



Giving Tuesday

By |November 22nd, 2021|

The season of giving is here and we’re asking for your help. HESSCO’s programs and services are helping older adults live with independence and dignity. On November 30th, can we count on your support to help further our mission? Please visit:   to learn about our Meals on Wheels program and the difference it makes for older adults in our community. Then, plan to make your gift on November 30th and have the chance for it to be matched by Home Instead Charities.  We appreciate your support!



Age Well with HESSCO Drive-Thru Event

By |September 14th, 2021|

The Age Well with HESSCO Drive-Thru Event is September 23, Get more information and register on our site page

Age Well Flyer 2021

GIVE65 is 3 weeks away

By |June 23rd, 2021|

It’s been a difficult year for older adults in our community, but we know how resilient they are! Even with restrictions and closures, HESSCO continued to serve our consumers in a safe way to keep them connected during an isolating time. We’re asking for your support during the annual Give65 Event to continue providing Meals on Wheels to all seniors in need, along with special food products, such as fresh seasonal fruit and vegetable boxes, added shelf stable meals for emergencies, additional frozen meals and holiday meals.

Save the date, on July 13-16 consider making a gift to HESSCO at

We appreciate your support!

Funds Available to Expand Transportation and Mental Health Services in Foxboro

By |March 29th, 2021|

Through the Determination of Need process with the Department of Public Health, funds are available from Brigham and Women’s Hospital to expand transportation and mental health services in Foxboro. Click Here to review the details for the Letter of Intent due April 7, 2021.